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Recent Stories

We Need a Better Faculty Position on the Pension

I would like to suggest here what the UC’s faculty position on pension contributions should look like. First of all, we should only accept the new plan if they promise to put employees on the pension board, and they allow for a public hearing to study the handling of the investments. Here is my fear: we will pay in more money, they will take out an expensive bond, and then they will continue to invest the money in an ineffective manner. 

Here are the historical issues:

UC-AFT Resolution on Academic Freedom--A Response to UC Investigations into Faculty Activism

UC-AFT Resolution on Academic Freedom in light of UCOP's recent efforts against initiatives by Senate and Non-Senate Faculty.

Whereas an internet performative collaboration, (, was done by U.C. faculty and

Whereas such action is part of a Senate faculty member's mode of often collaborative art practice and

Whereas this tenured Senate Faculty, Professor Ricardo Dominguez, was hired and promoted by the U.C. San Diego Visual Arts Department for this and other kinds of "new media" work and

March 4th a Success--Thousands Rally to Defend Public Education

On October 24, 2009, students, faculty, and parents from around the state gathered in Berkeley to plan a statewide response to increases in class size, increases in fees, mass layoffs and chronic underfunding of our schools.  Accounts from attendees at the mobilizing day concede that not much was agreed upon other than to begin organizing a statewide day of action on March 4th.

March 4th Videos

UC-AFT Executive Board Election Results


At our Spring Council meeting on April 3, the UC-AFT Council unanimously re-elected all  systemwide executive board officers for another one-year term of office.  

After the election, Council attendees gave a round of applause to all officers for their tireless and exceptional work on behalf of UC-AFT members.  

UC-AFT Insider April 2010

UC-AFT Insider
April 1, 2010

In this issue:

Alternative Commission on Future of UC

Since many faculty, students, and workers are very unhappy with the recent recommendations coming out of the Gould Commission on the Future of the University, it may be a good idea to hold our own alternative commission in order to stress the key goals of access, affordability and quality for the University of California. This alternative vision would show how we can increase enrollments, decrease fees, and improve the quality of instruction, research, and service. As an opening gesture, I will articulate some of the principles of this public agenda. 

Council Agenda January 23, 2010

UC-AFT Council Agenda – Saturday Jan. 23, 2010

Sheraton Four Points at LAX. 

9750 Airport Blvd, Los Angeles.


10 am-12 pm (With Staff)

President's Report on the State of the Union

a.  Budget update and minutes  

b.   Election Committee

c.    Unit 18 Contract

D.    Unit 17 Contract

E.    AFT Relations

F.    New Communications Structure 


12-1 pm Lunch (With Staff)


1-4 pm (With Staff)

Council Agenda April 3, 2010

UC-AFT Council Agenda – Saturday April 3rd, 2010, Berkeley Faculty Club


10 am-12 pm (With Staff)


Budget Report and Review of Minutes

President's Report on the State of the Union

a.    UC-AFT Election

b.    Report on March 4th

c.    Lay-Off report

E.    AFT Relations

F.    Report on Contract Ratifications

G.    CFT Convention 


12-12:30 pm Lunch (With Staff)


1-3 pm (With Staff)