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2010 CFT Resolutions for Higher Ed

California Federation of Teachers • CONVENTION 2010 


Click here to read all resolutions passed at the 2010 CFT Convention.


Resolution 18 

Future of UC: Funding Options for a Permanent Crisis

The Commission on the Future of the University’s Funding Strategies working group of has put together a document listing their initial proposals, and near the start of their report, we find the following ominous claim: “The funding gap is exacerbated by a significant unfunded post-retirement benefit liability, which is currently $1.9 billion and expected to reach $18 billion by 2013. Similarly, the University’s unfunded post-retirement healthcare liability is projected to grow from $13 billion today to $18 billion by 2013 . . .

List of Working Group Recommendations


Click here to download the full commission report.  Page numbers below in parenthesis indicate pages with more detailed explanations of indicated recommendations.

UC-AFT Rejects PEB Task Forces Proposed Changes

As of April 2010, the University of California will restart employee and employer contributions to the pension fund(UCRP).  The employee contribution will begin as a redirect of the mandatory 2% contribution employees currently pay into the Safe Harbor 401k plan.  The university will begin a 4% contribution for all eligible employees.

Maintain the University of California's Vision

Here's an excellent editorial from the March 1 New University.  This was written by UCI lecturer, Brook Haley, who will also be speaking at the UCI rally on March 4th.  

March 4th--Statewide List of Events

Click the name of the city below to get information about March 4th events taking place there.  

Guidance on March 4 Activities for UC-AFT NSF and Librarians

The UC-AFT encourages our members and supporters and the UC workers whom we
represent to support the March 4 Day of Action. However, you do need to be
aware that there are some restrictions on what you can and cannot do to
support March 4 activities.

Under Unit 18 and 17 MOUs (contracts), Lecturers and Librarians are not
allowed to “withhold their labor” in support of the strike and day of action. You may
not simply refuse to show up at work unless you honestly feel that crossing

Letter from Karen Sawislak on Post Employment Benefits

To UC-AFT-represented librarians and non-Senate faculty:

As you may know, the UC Post Employment Benefits Task Force is circulating a survey that is apparently designed to collect information about UC employee preferences and workforce retirement patterns.  There are two versions: a short-form that is made available to everyone and a long version that has been sent to randomly selected employees.

UC-AFT has NOT authorized participation in the survey by the librarians and non-Senate faculty that we represent.  I write today to explain that decision.

UCLA Fights Back Coalition Demands for March 4th

(1) Lower Fees, Rescind Program Cuts, and Stop the Privatization of UCLA!

- Reverse the 32% fee hike.

- Reduce class sizes.

- Stop the push to move classes online.

- End the Humanities restructuring project.

-Do not increase out-of-state enrollments


 (2) End Racist and Anti-Immigrant Policies and Practices at UCLA!

- Change the university admissions policy to increase Black, Latina/o, Native American, and Underrepresented Asian student enrollment.