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San Fernando Valley March 4th Events

CSU Northridge

3:45 pm gather at CSU Northridge Sierra Quad.

4:15 pm March around CSUN.

5 pm unity action.

5:30 pm Rally at Sierra Quad.

Contact: Audrena Redmond, 562-900-4352

Long Beach March 4th Events

 Rally at Wilson High School gymnasium

4400 East 10th Street, Long Beach

4:15 pm 

Davis March 4th Events

Education “Un”- Fair student led rally

12-3pm at the MU and Quad.

Teach outside on quad if you have a class from 11:00am - 3:00pm

Sacramento March 4th Events


"Educate the State" 

11 am-1 pm Rally at State Capitol, North Steps * Theater * Music * Speeches Action includes holding classes for legislators on importance of public education to California with lectern, desks, chalkboard on North Steps of Capitol.

Irvine March 4th Events

Rally at the flagpole outside the administration building

Organized by Defend UCI


Berkeley/Bay Area March 4th Events

UC Berkeley

Santa Cruz March 4th Events


Student Strike and Campus Shut Down

Picketing at campus entrance beginning 6am

More details TBA

Santa Barbara March 4th Events


Noon Rally at Storke Plaza 

Speakers, press conference, music, food from 11-3pm

Riverside March 4th Events

UC Riverside

11-1 rally and performance at Belltower

1-3 march down University Avenue to City Hall

San Gorgonio High School-  Education in Crisis

Saturday February 20th 10am-1pm

Click here to view and download the flier for this event.