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San Diego March 4th Events

UCSD--To contact the Education for All Coalition in San Diego, e-mail:

March from City College to Governor's Offices

Los Angeles March 4th Events

UCLA--Organized by the UC Fights Back Coaltion

3-5am Undergraduate Dorms; Grad Student Housing
Dorm Storming

6:30-Noon Campus-wide
 Picket set-up and student led pickets at campus entrances.

7-11am Campus-wide
Students reclaim campus with outreach, activist art, chalking, flyering, drums, music, etc.

11am-Noon Ackerman Turn-Around
Student and Worker Picket

11:30am-Noon Campus-wide

March 4th Statewide Day of Action--Californian's Unite to Support Education


A broad coalition of students, faculty, and staff from K-12, the community colleges, CSU's and UC are uniting in a statewide day of action on March 4th to protest chronic underfunding of education in California, and to demand restoration of access, affordability and quality for all.  UC-AFT and our state affiliate, CFT, have endorsed the actions on March 4th.  We encourage all of our members to take this opportunity to raise awareness about the impacts of the budget cuts on our ability to deliver the highest quality of instruction and service in the classroom and libraries.

Unit 18 Contract Extension--Ratification Vote Results


Unit 18 members overwhelmingly voted to extend the Memorandum of Understanding(MOU) for an additional year.  The Unit 18 MOU is now set to expire on July 31, 2011.  Below is a campus by campus breakdown of the extension vote results. 

Basis is the number of members on a campus.  Count is the number of members who voted.  The last three columns show the ballots cast by day during the voting period.

Unit 18 Contract Extension--Ratification Vote


We are writing to you with some important news about the Memorandum of Understanding (“the contract”) between UC-AFT non-Senate faculty and the University.  As you perhaps know, the current contract expires at the end of July.  

Unit 18 Negotiations Update January 2010


To UC-AFT Non-Senate Faculty:

We are writing to you with some important news about the Memorandum of Understanding (“the contract”) between UC-AFT non-Senate faculty and the University.  As you perhaps know, the current contract expires at the end of July.  

Librarians Reach Tentative Agreement on Wages--Contract Extended to 2011

The Unit 17 negotiating team reached a tentative agreement with the University with terms that would extend the current contract for an additional year.  Here is a link to the text of the tentative agreement.  Please read on for a full description  by Unit 17 Chief Negotiator, Mike Rotkin, of the agreement and the process for continuing bargaining in 2011.  


Dear UC Unit 17 Librarians,

U.S. Senate Investigates UCSF Financial Reporting

U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley is pursuing an investigation into UCSF accounting practices and their representation of financial reports to the California State Senate and to the media.  This issue arose after former UCSF Dean, David Kessler,  pointed out discrepancies in financial documents.  It has been reported that Kessler lost his job as Dean after he began inquiring into the irregularities.

President's Report on UCLA Actions

I want to congratulate all the unions, workers, and students pulling off a  great protest under difficult conditions.  We had over 2,000 protesters at UCLA, and there were some great actions.  Here are a few highlights:

Hundreds of people stopped traffic at one of the main intersections in L.A. and then marched up through the campus.