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Democracy Now Coverage Including Interview with Bob Samuels


UC-AFT President, Bob Samuels, was interviewed by Amy Goodman on Democracy Now.  The interview covers the protests at UCLA on November 18 and 19.  Bob discusses UC finances and the impacts of regental and UCOP priorities on undergraduate education.

Here is the full Democracy Now coverage including great interviews from UCB, including UC-AFT member and Lecturer, Michael Cohen.

Fee Increase Passes Despite Opposition and Protest


The Regents passed a 32% fee increase at their meeting on November 19 at UCLA.  Student fees at UC will reach $10,300 not including various campus based fees that will raise the cost of attendance to nearly $13,000, not including housing, food, and books.  The decision to increase fees was made in the face of significant opposition and protest by UC students and workers who feel that the budget deficit is being balanced on the backs of those who can least afford it.

Alternatives to the Fee Increases

Student Fee increases at UC Unnecessary

By Mike Rotkin, UC-AFT VP for Organizing 

What You Can Do Now to Stop Fee Increases

They Pledged Your Tuition

UCSC Professor and President of the Council of UC Faculty Associations, Bob Meister, recently wrote an article linking student fee increases with UC's bond rating, sale of bonds, and payment of bond debt.  Meister and a coalition of students and workers have now called on the UC Regents Audit Committee to investigate the use of tuition to secure choice interest rates, and to pay bond debt.  This is a three part series consisting of the original article, a response to questions from faculty and students, and a response to UC's reaction to the original piece.

L.A. Times Opinion Piece CSU Trustee

For nearly six years, I have served on the Board of Trustees of the California State University system -- the last two as its chairman. This experience has been more than just professional; it has been a deeply personal one. With my term ending soon, I need to share my concern -- and personal pain -- that California is on the verge of destroying the very system that once made this state great.

Unit 18 Furlough Chronology



Letter from UCOP Labor Relations Director Shelley Nielsen Regarding Unit 18 and the Furlough Program 

On October 21, 2009, UCOP Labor Relations Director Shelley Nielsen wrote to campus human resource directors to correct false information circulating at campuses in regard to Unit 18 and the furlough program. Read the letter here.


9/24 to 11/17- The Struggle To Save UC


With most of the budget reductions planned or in place, the remaining budget balancing mechanism proposed by UC is an additional 30% fee increase that would be phased in over the coming year.  These fee increases would generate $117 million for 09/10 and $292 million for 10/11. UC President Yudof is already campaigning for the fee increase in the media and he's focusing his message directly at the students.  Here's a link to an essay based on his comments at the Regents meeting on September 16th.  

Librarians Ratify Tentative Agreement on Furlough Program

In a clear choice for furloughs over across the board reductions in time, and or temporary layoffs, librarians have approved the tentative agreement regarding the furlough program.

Here are the campus-by-campus totals (yes votes - no votes):

Berkeley/SF     49 - 6 
Davis               22 - 1 
Santa Cruz       13 - 1
Merced              2 - 0