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9/24 Actions Build Momentum Toward November Regents Meeting


On Thursday, September 24 a wave of protests washed over University of California campuses to draw attention to what protest organizers are calling a “priority crisis.” UC administrators’ and regents’ arbitrary decisions to impose layoffs, furloughs, and skyrocketing student fees have sparked resistance throughout the institution. 

Interview with Yudof's Alter Ego


This article contains the real interview that UC President Yudof did with Deborah Solomon of the N.Y. Times Magazine on September 24th, 2009.  It also contains a mock interview with Yudof's alter ego, Alter-Y, a fictional character who answers the interview questions with some deference for the position and title he holds, and some consideration for the importance of the decisions his office is making.  Finally, there is a fictional N.Y. Times reader commenting on Yudof's real answers.

UC Walkout and Teach-in Day - September 24, 2009

Faculty, staff and students across the UC system are planning a walk out on September 24th in protest of budget cuts, fee increases, and furloughs for UC workers.   Many faculty are dismayed at the rationale behind recent executive actions, and at the apparent suspension of shared governance by UCOP as some critical decisions have been made.  Of particular concern to some members of the Senate Faculty was the decision by UCOP not to allow faculty to take furlough days on teaching days.  This same decision resulted in the exemption of lecturers from the furlough program.

Librarians Tentatively Agree to Furlough Program - Ratification Vote Begins

Librarians at the University of California have tentatively agreed to the furlough plan imposed by UC President Mark Yudof.  The agreement was reached with the hope that it would alleviate the need for widespread layoffs or reductions in time for librarians and other library staff.  The university threatened across the board reductions in time, equivalent to a 6% pay reduction, or a series of temporary layoffs for unit members. 

More Evidence of UC Unrestricted Funds




Lecturers Exempted from Furlough Program


We were given official notice last week that the Office of the President has decided that Unit 18 will NOT participate in the furlough program.

UC-AFT Submits RFI for Unit 17 Furlough Participation

 To UC-AFT represented employees:

I write today to update you again as to what we know about UC's furlough plans.

Librarians Tentatively Agree to Furlough

 Librarians Agree to Furlough plan in hopes that cost savings will preserve positions of librarians and other other library staff.