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Contract Details and Ratification Town Halls

The contract ratification vote will begin at 8am on November 29 and end at 4pm on December 3.

We will hold several contract ratification town halls before the vote closes on December 3.  Dues paying members can vote to secure the major gains in this contract.  If you are not yet a member, join here, so you can help lock in the benefits of this major victory.

UC-AFT Teaching Faculty Reach Historic Agreement

After two and half years of bargaining, we have reached historic tentative agreement with UC management.  This agreement provides significant salary increases, a strengthened workload appeal process and much, much improved job stability for pre-continuing faculty.

5 Ways You Can Support UC-AFT Lecturers

The lecturers of UC-AFT have been fighting for over two years for a fair contract that will provide fair compensation that keeps pace with the high cost of living in California; consistent and enforceable workload standards that include all of the work we do outside of the classroom to mentor and support our students; and basic job stability protections that end arbitrary hiring and firing and ensure instructional continuity, so that our

Unfair Labor Practice Strike Fact Sheet and FAQ

UC-AFT has called a two-day Unfair Labor Practice strike on Wednesday and Thursday November 17-18. 
UC-AFT members will cancel classes and hit the picket lines on every campus.
Read on to find out why we are striking and what your rights are.

Unfair Practice Strike FAQ

newlogo.jpgWhat does it mean to go on strike?

UC Management’s Pattern of Bad Faith

In the last 10 days, UC-AFT has filed two new unfair labor practice charges over the UC management’s refusal to participate in good faith in the statutory impasse procedures and to bargain in good faith over paid family leaves.

Paid Leave for Family Care and Bonding Letter to UCOP

June 2, 2021


Nadine Fishel
Associate Director, Labor Relations
UC Office of the President
By Email:


Dear Nadine:

Enclosed is a signed side letter authorizing the University to implement Pay for

Family Care and Bonding (PFCB) for the IX Bargaining Unit (Unit 18 Non-Senate Faculty)

until June 30, 2022. We are delighted that the University is seeking to expand family support

Contract Gains by UC-AFT To Date

Specific and transparent performance review criteria:
We have proposed, and UCOP has partially accepted, more specific review criteria and transparent standards for the excellence review, merit review, and the promotional review to Senior Continuing Lecturer.

UC-AFT Teaching Faculty Bargaining Update October 22, 2021

Thank you for contributing to our contract campaign. The progress we have made would not have been possible without your commitment to fight for the dignity and respect your colleagues, your work, and our profession deserve.