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UC-AFT Teaching Faculty Welcome Letter


Dear new Unit 18 faculty member,

UC-AFT Insider February 2022

UC-AFT Insider

March 1 Pay Increase, Ratification Bonus and 1% Back Pay Awards

Our new Unit 18 Teaching Faculty contract incudes annual salary increases for the life of the contract in addition to 3% merit increases with each pre-continuing reappointment. Continuing appointee merit increase remain on the three year cycle. The Q&A below describes these raises in detail.  On March 1, 2022 the first of these raises will be delivered in paychecks.

Call for Nominations for VP Grievances and VP Legislation

We currently have openings on the UC-AFT Local 1474 Executive Board for Vice President of Grievances and Vice President of Legislation.

Unit 18 MOU February 2016 - January 2020

Unit 18 Non-Senate Faculty Memorandum of Understanding
Effective February 27, 2016 - January 31, 2020

Full Contract PDF

2021-2026 Teaching Faculty Contract Summary

Our new agreement completely transforms what it means to be a lecturer at the UC. We have created opportunities for professional advancement at every stage of our careers. We achieved our goals of greater consistency, transparency, and enforceability of workload issues. We raised the salary floor and won improved compensation for all lecturers, as well as annual cost-of-living adjustments for each year of the contract. Read on for all the details.

Teaching Faculty Tentative Agreement Q and A

This Q & A is a great place to start to get questions answered about how the new contract will benefit and protect you.  If you don't find what you're looking for here, get in touch with a UC-AFT field rep.

Teaching Faculty Tentative Agreement Contract Langauge

Want to read the actual tentative agreement language before you vote in the contract ratification vote?  Here it is...the whole new contract clearly laid out with idicators for articles that have new language and articles that remained at current contract language (CCL).

Historic Agreement...AFT and CFT coverage

“It’s the best contract in UC-AFT history and among the best nationwide for contingent faculty,” UC-AFT President Mia McIver 
Check out the coverage by our state and national affiliate unions, who were so crucial in helping secure this victory.