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UC-AFT Statement on Atlanta Murders, White Supremacy and Mysogyny

March 18, 2021


UC-AFT Reaches Agreement with Adminstration on COVID Effects

Thank you for being a UC-AFT member! Your dues directly support collective bargaining and made our COVID-19 agreement possible.

UC-AFT Victory: Unfair Labor Practice Confirmed...Remote Work Relief In Sight

We are announcing today a big step forward in our ongoing effort to get UC management to operate in good faith and to comply with our contract.


UC-AFT Faculty Bargaining Update February 12 and 26, 2020

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February 12 and 26, 2021


UC-AFT Insider February 2021


UC-AFT Faculty Bargaining Update #35-37 January 15, 21 and 26, 2021

UC-AFT Faculty Bargaining Sessions #35-37

January 15, 21 and 26, 2021ucaft190329a.png


Nadine Fishel, UC’s chief negotiator, told us that they could move no further on the 10 Articles they passed on January 15. Then, in a recent meeting, she also informed us that management would pass one additional and final proposal on Article 7a. Nadine knows that Article 7a is our top priority and that our position is that it must include clear and consistent review process and criteria, multi-year appointments, and rehire rights based on qualifications and performance.

Proposed Amendments to the UC-AFT Constitution

UC-AFT held a Constitutional Convention with member representation from every Local over three Saturdays in December 2020 and January 2021.The Convention closed on January 9, 2021 and resulted in a proposed amended Constitution, which was subsequently adopted by the Council on January 16, 2021. The amended Constitution will take effect when approved by two-thirds of UC-AFT Locals per voting processes outlined in Local Constitutions and Bylaws.  Per the systemwide UC-AFT Constitution, Local votes to amend the Constitution must be conducted prior to the next Council meeting on April 17, 2021.

Teaching Faculty Contract Expiration Anniversary Rally & Press Conference

On February 1, UC-AFT Teaching Faculty marked the one-year anniversary of the expiration of our contract with a virtual rally and press conference. 190 members and allies tuned in to our zoom room and dozens more watched on Facebook Live.  Our campaign to secure job stability for Teaching Faculty at UC is strengthening and intensifying. We're building a network of members who are contacting colleagues to invite participation in our campaign.

UC-AFT Insider January 2021

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January 11, 2021