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AFSCME 3299 Unfair Labor Practice Strike May 16--UC-AFT Rights and Responsibilities

Dear UC-AFT Members,

UC-AFT Faculty Contract Campaign Committee and Table Team 2019

Our 2019-20 bargaining campaign is organized around a statewide group called the Contract Campaign Committee. The CCC is composed of five elected members from each campus, one of whom will serve as a Table Team member.  The CCC is responsible for planning and implementing our bargaining campaign statewide and on each campus, and for supporting the Table Team as needed.  The complete CCC is listed within this post.

Statewide Council Board Annual Elections 2019: Candidate Statements

UC-AFT has annual elections for statewide Council Executive Board officers.  This notice serves as a call for nominations. Candidate statements are included here.

UC-AFT Insider March 2019

University Council-AFT Insider 
March 18, 2019

In this issue:

  • Strike! UPTE and AFSCME to Hit the Picket Line on March 20: Guidance for UC-AFT Members
  • Lecturer Bargaining: 1000+ Survey Responses Received & Bargaining Dates Set
  • Librarian Bargaining Heats Up
  • UC-AFT Advocacy Day April 2
  • Statewide Council Elections…Candidate Statements Posted

Librarian Letter to UL's

After fifteen negotiation sessions over nearly one year, UC’s negotiating team has failed to move on key issues related to the professional, academic status held by librarians at UC. Our solutions are simple, reasonable, and essential to our ability to perform our work.

President McIver's Public Comment at Regents Meeting March 13, 2019

UC Regents Meeting
March 13, 2019
Public Comment

Good morning, Regents. My name is Mia McIver, I’m a faculty member here at UCLA, and I’m President of University Council-American Federation of Teachers. UC-AFT librarians have been working without a contract for five and a half months. We’re fighting for academic freedom, for an end to temporary appointments in permanent archives, and competitive salaries to recruit and retain highly qualified librarians. Tell Labor Relations to settle a fair contract with librarians now!

UPTE and AFSCME Strike Guidance--March 20, 2019

UPTE and AFSCME 3299 will hold a one-day strike on March 20. Please read on for ways you can support the strike or honor the picket line and still meet your contractual obligations to the University.

Call for Nominations: Council Executive Board 2019-20 (Nominees listed)

Dear UC-AFT members,

Every April at our statewide Council Meeting, we elect statewide officers for the next academic year. See the call for nominations below, including nominations received to date for each office.

Call for Nominations: Council Executive Board (Term: June 15, 2019- June 14, 2020)           

For more information on the duties associated with each of these offices, see the UC-AFT Constitution and Bylaws: Please send all nominations to the Nominations Committee Chair, Kendra Levine at:  Please note that each nominee must have been a member of the local for at least one year to be eligible for nomination

Candidate Statements: Special Election--Interim Vice President for Legislation 2019

Due to a mid-term vacancy in the Vice President for Legislation position on the Council Executive Board, we are conducting a special election for an interim VP for Legislation. The interim VP will hold office from the date of election through the end of the regular term June 14, 2019.

The election will be held on Thursday, February 28th at 7pm during a special Council Meeting via Zoom and conducted per voting procedures in the UC-AFT Constitution.  

UC-AFT Insider February 2019

University Council-AFT Insider AF_Good start.jpg
February 14, 2019

In this issue:

  • Lecturer Bargaining…Lively Preliminary Session at UCI on January 30
  • Love Your Librarian with a Contract
  • Statewide Council Officer Elections…Nominations Period Open Now!
  • UC-AFT Advocacy Day April 2