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Unit 17 Bargaining Update #1 May 24 2016

Our bargaining team, met with UCOP Labor Relations and representatives from across the UC system on Tuesday, May 24.  Chief Negotiator Axel Borg opened with a discussion of our 3 C’s for addressing librarian salaries and professional development funding:

Competitiveness: we need to have salaries that are competitive with our colleagues in the California community colleges and state universities;  

UC-AFT Insider May 2016

University Council-AFT Insider                    
May 11, 2016

In this issue:

I’m thrilled to report on a recent union victory at UCLA, with an outcome that shows how much we can accomplish when we join together to exercise our rights.

One of our union’s biggest accomplishments has been negotiating the right to Professional Development Funds (PDFs) exclusively for lecturers and other non-Senate faculty. Awarded annually, these grants enable us to attend conferences, publish books and articles, and develop new classes that incorporate advancements in our fields of expertise. 

UCB Foreign Language Workload Reduction

This page has been established to provide information about UCB's proposal for a one-year delay in implementation of the negotiated workload reduction in foreign languages.

UC-AFT Statewide Executive Board Election Results 2016

At the statewide Council meeting on April 16, local representatives to the Council elected the following individuals to the statewide Executive Board:

President- Bob Samuels, Lecturer, UCSB
Vice President for Legislation- Axel E. Borg, Librarian, UCD
Vice President for Organizing- Mia McIver, Lecturer, UCLA
Vice President for Grievances- Ben Harder, Lecturer, UCR
Secretary Treasurer- Miki Goral, Librarian, UCLA

UC-AFT Insider April 2016

University Council-AFT Insider                    
April 5, 2016

In this issue:

UC-AFT Insider March 2016

University Council-AFT Insider                     
March 3, 2016

In this issue: 

UC-AFT Statewide Elections 2016--Candidate Statements

UC-AFT conducts annual elections for seats on the statewide Executive Board. The election will take place at the UC-AFT Council meeting on April 16 per the UC-AFT bylaws

The nominations period is now closed. The following individuals have been nominated for the statewide UC-AFT Executive Board:

Librarian Bargaining Survey 2016

Dear Librarian colleagues,

In our last e-mail, we let you know that UC-AFT has the opportunity to re-open two articles from the MOU this year. But which articles are we planning to re-open? That’s up to you, the UC-AFT members! We want to know which issues are the most important to you. 

Librarian Caucus Plans for Contract Negotiations

The UC-AFT Librarians’ Caucus met on January 23rd during the UC-AFT Council meeting to discuss our upcoming contract re-opener.  Our contract, also known as the UC-AFT – UC Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), states that we have the right to re-open up to two articles beginning in July 2016.