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AFSCME hold wildcat strikes at all UC campuses.....UC spokesperson speachless after using a restroom in the administration building that hadn't been cleaned in three weeks.

End the Double Standard— Singled Out AFSCME Workers Need Our Support

For almost two years, AFSCME 3299 workers have been engaged in good faith negotiations for a new contract with UC.  AFSCME has offered substantial concessions on UC’s top priorities, but the University has singled them out with the harshest treatment by unilaterally imposing a contract without the same fair wage increases and staffing standards it has granted other UC workers. Predominantly people of color, almost 99% of Local 3299’s service unit are income eligible for public assistance.

Know Your Rights: What Pre-Six Lecturers Seeking Reappointment Need to Know

According to Article 7a of the Unit 18 MOU, an NSF who requests reappointment must be reviewed prior to reappointment.  UC-AFT recommends that all pre-six lecturers seeking reappointment notify their department during Winter quarter or early in the Spring semester to allow the department time to conduct a review.

Member Spotlight: Goetz Wolff- UC-AFT Local President at UCLA, Urban Planning Lecturer, and Activist Labor Researcher

When Goetz Wolff was asked by the Board to step into the President position for the UC-AFT Local at UCLA he was reluctant to take on that responsibility because he was very busy with teaching and mentoring students in Urban Planning, as well as consulting for unions.

Bob Samuels to Keynote CA-AAUP Annual Meeting Feb 8

Bob Samuels will deliver the afternoon keynote address at the CA-AAUP Annual Meeting at Santa Clara University on Feb 8.

UC-AFT Member Spotlight- Amy D. Hines, UC-AFT Executive Director

Amy Hines started working as UC-AFT’s Executive Director in late November 2013.

Agency Fee 2017-18

These documents are provided for those wishing to see the audits upon which the fair share rebate percentage for October 2017-September 2018 were calculated.

Hudson Notice Letter 2017-18

Fairshare Notice 2017-18

UC-AFT Agency Fee Report 2016

UC-AFT Member Spotlight- Joi Barrios, Pre-Six Lecturer, Author, Poet and UC-AFT Local President at UCB

During the AFSCME strike on November 20, Joi Barrios spoke in front of a plaza full of students and workers at UCB. With a steady rain falling, her words on solidarity and justice ignited the crowd, “Together, we can fight intimidation in the workplace. Together, we can fight for workers’ rights and workers’ safety.  Together, we can fight for the dignity of labor.

UC-AFT Launches New Site!

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CA Legislature Pushing Bill to Force UC, CSU and CCC to Grant Credit for Private Online Courses

California Senate Majority Leader, Darrell Steinberg, has drafted a bill that would require California colleges to grant credit for online courses taken outside of these institutions in the case that there is a waiting list for the in-person course.  

See an outline of the SB 520 here.

Who Owns a MOOC?  Inside Higher Ed w/ Bob Samuels